please someone help me with me simple question!!

I am trying to make a video sequence through a maze; so far Ive been using the camera as an object and moving it a bit forward on every frame. Thats fine, but when I come to rotate the camera, i.e. turn it around a corner, it changes the rotation for all my past frames so that the camera isnt looking forward anymore when it should be. Can anyone help, this is for my university dissertation so Im desperate! Also, does this method sound like the best way of doing what I want to acheive?

well if you want to make a camera go smooth (black line) or hard-cornered (red)
put the keys only in corners or make a path that camera will follow
for more info on path follow go here

Following a path is one way but you can do it just by keying frames if you like. But you have to key Location and Rotation (LocRot) every time, including right at the start. You also don’t have to move it a bit on every frame - just key LocRot on frame 1 then if you want to take one second to get to the first corner, just change to frame 25 (frame 30 if you’re rendering to NTSC) then move the camera to the corner (or just before) and key LocRot again. Then move a few frames forward, move the camera around the corner and rotate it then key LocRot again.

You must always key things at the beginning and end of the desired rotation otherwise the camera will start to rotate slowly as it moves along.