Hello these are pliers I’m modelling. Please critique the topology.
This is my reference.
Firstly, you should have an extra edgeloop flowing parallel to the plier’s “head”, else you will get nasty stretching when subdivided.
Secondly, you must absolutely have an extra outer loop beside that place where (I guess) it hinges. If you don’t there will be bumpy things happening in that area.
That looks good. Try adding a subsurface modifier to see how the geometry reacts.
haha, @radialronnie, i love the bit about “bumpy things happening in that area”… so refreshing after all these chaps trying to sound professional…
Topology seems to be great, good work!
Thanks! Soon I will start uv unwrapping and texturing the model.
Hi, looks very good, often i start to create mesh groups for different parts of the model.
Then set seams or try different unwrap methodes for each part of the mesh, then ao baking for contours and as a start point for gimp.
I use many layers for rust, dirt, ao, color and so forth.
Cheers, mib.
Looks very good,
maybe you could select the top, right, left and bottom parts one at a time and choose “project from view”. Then yield them together in the uv editor.
Thanks for your answers. Mib could you please explain the technique with the mesh groups a bit more? What are mesh groups, and how can I make them?
First think where to place seams. It depends on a camera angle so try to hide them in invisible areas. Unwrapping should be quite simple - just make some cuts on the edges and use conformal algorythm. And remember to add as few seams as possible, let it unwrap like a paper model.
While hard to see, it doesn’t look bad. Try using this unwrap to display a UV pattern and then show a screenshot of the model to see how the texture sits.
radialronnie : I will do that soon! At the moment I’m trying to unwrap the other half, but I have some problems. Any ideas or tips?
Oh and sorry it takes so long with the updates. At the moment i have a lot of other things to do:(
The bottom circle area looks fine, but the other two need some TLC. The one of the far right needs to split, maybe to completely separate it from the rest.
The top one might need to be split, or it might only need some pinning, and manual shuffling.
If you like, you could share the file with me, and I’ll unwrap it for you so that you can reverse-engineer it to see at least one way it can be done.
Hi, sorry for late reply, if you have questions about vertex groups ask please.
I use it only for easier select parts of the mesh during unwraping process.
Cheers, mib.
Mib2Berlin: thanks for your reply(:.
radialronnie: Here is the blend file (:.
Amazing the detail you can find in a simple piece of equipment. Look forward to more updates.