hi all,
I’m new to blender and I have just my first script/plugin request.
I make fast biased render with 3ds max & vray and sometimes I use IBL environment illumination and the effect is pretty cool and realistic.
to do this I use free hdr-exr images and software suite to find on
just go to:
can be find some IBL sets used for lighting
the IBL sets are made normally by HDR images for environment and reflection a 8K jpg background and an IBL txt file.
but for exanple… Luxrender for blender use EXR… it’s conversion is pretty fast trough picturenaut.exe to find on:
If any one want to create it’s own IBL set… no problem there is a small full automated tool called sIBL-Edit.exe and a video tutorial to find on:
well… as 3ds max user I must now import the images sets in max… there is an small application called sIBL_GUI.exe to find on:
through a bridge script and a render engine template… sIBL_GUI.exe… is able to create directly in your 3d appl. the scene lighting, based on the sibl txt info… the script can create a mapped environment sphere, a Sun… or spots and so on, depending if it’s an external sets or internal sets of images. the script also put all maps in the right position.
well… it would be nice if some scripter… can create such a bridging script and some render engines template for blender.
thanks to all to take the time to read this post.
PS: some info about sIBL_gui.exe
“sIBL_Framework is the main commandline application. It’s responsible for using the setup information from .ibl files, and creating a custom setup script that builds the lighting solution in your 3d application. sIBL_Framework uses script templates, which are specifically crafted for each application, renderer, sometimes even versions thereof. Currently, templates for Maya, 3dsMAX and XSI are available. These script templates are easy to make, because all the haevy lifting is done by this framework.”
“sIBL_GUI is the graphical front end to sIBL_Framework. It contains a convenient sIBL-browser, template chooser, setup options, so you can bake the fire-and-forget setup script easily. If your 3d application supports TCP/IP connection, sIBL_GUI will even fire the resulting script for you. It also automatically checks this online repository, to ensure you have the latest templates installed.”