Pocketwatch WIP

Been working on this the last couple of days. Took me a while to figure out to turn off shadows for the glass material. :-? I still need to texture the face and make a decent scene for it. C&C welcome!

Large version here

Oh, render time was 7.4 hours on an Athlon 1200 [!]

LoL, it’s god’s watch!! LoL

^^^Oh man… did I just reference god in a comment? !!!

pretty k3wl man. I think it’s the one I lost LoL

^^^whew, just implied that I was god… hehehe

impressive. I like the lighting you have on it

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the lighting is from the uffizi probe.

Very nice, what have you use for render ?

Rendered in Yafray with uffizi probe. :slight_smile:

It’s finished. I just added numbers to the face. I’m too lazy to make a scene. %| I’m working on a spacecraft now anyway. Oh well, here is the finished one.

How do you render blenderfiles with YafraY?

Yable! Go to www.yafray.org and look down the left side of the page, and you’ll see a link to it.