Point Density node WHERE IS IT?

Hi guys!
I’m looking for the point density node but I can’t find it anywhere but here: https://builder.blender.org/download/
From what I understand this isn’t just the node but a complete blender build. I’m kinda clueless about those things so I don’t want to mess with anything I don’t understand.

Can someone who’s more tech-savvy provide instructions please? How do I get the Point Density Node?

Cycles texture node in standard blender download

@Richard Marklew, I can’t find anything…
Nowhere, even when I hit “search”.
Are you sure it’s not an add-on?

Hi. You take a screenshot of the full screen and showing where you are looking for the node.

What version of Blender are you running? It was added in 2.74 I think - so you’ll only find it in versions 2.74 and higher.

Also - make sure you have “Cycles” selected as your render engine. If you have blender internal selected - it won’t show. It’s not an add on, so should appear in the standard list of Cycles texture nodes (if you have Cycles enabled)

@Moony I am running 2.74 and Cycles is selected.
I’ll just download the latest version
Thanks guys :slight_smile:

It may have been an experimental feature in 2.74.

I just upgraded to 2.78a and it’s there!