Hi all. I am new to these forums, and the blender game engine. I have been using blender for several months now to model and animate simple objects (buildings, trees, ect) I want to learn more about the game engine and would like to start a small project. I am not going to waste peoples time asking how to do it, and I most certainly am not going to try to build some top shelf game right off the get go. Rather I would like to ask if anyone can tell me the applications I will need (plugins, python tools, ect) to create a game. Maybe some in depth tutorials. I have searched google for game engine tutorials, and found a lot. but they dont really say why you do things. Only tell you what to do. I would like to understand what I am doing. If anyone can just point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced and sorry if this thread annoys anyone.
Hey, no worries man. Everyone has to start somewhere. First off, you don’t really need any outside programs to make a game as long as you have python (I think it’s packed in the blender download.) While it isn’t necessary, I would recommend GIMP if you don’t have photoshop, but you could just use MS Paint or something to start texturing.
Since you already know the basics of modeling, I would start out by experimenting with logic bricks. Just play around with them and see what each one does.
Make some dynamic objects, and mess with the physics settings.
Make a controllable object with logic bricks. Just something simple, like a cube you can move around with the arrow keys.
After you’re done experimenting, then try to follow some basic tutorials.
Make your own game (not from a tutorial) using only logic bricks.
From here, the next step would be to learn Python. I would recommend downloading other people’s scripts, look up what each line in the script does. When you know what each line does, you can try to modify the script. Once you’re comfortable with modifying existing scripts, you can try to write your own.
One more thing, stick to Blender 2.49b for now. It’s stable, and there are a lot more tutorials available for it than 2.5. If you run into any specific problems (physics problems, can’t do something with logic bricks, etc.) come back here and ask. Good luck.
Thanks! I will be taking this to heart. I do use blender 2.49. I tried 2.5 but kept running into bugs with things I know worked in the previous version I learned the program with. I also use gimp already. I love it! Still learning how to use it also, but I feel like I am making progress. Thanks a ton and hopefully I will have something to show soon.
The new Blender looks impressive, but I think I need a new tutorial so’s I know what button / slider / thingy does what. I was getting to grips with the last version and now, I can’t even figure out how to apply a texture & bump map which I could do quite happily in previous versions. I am guessing there will be a book or books out soon to help, so, does anyone know of any tutorials on line that could get me started with the new Blender?