Pokemon Game remake (members needed)

Hello everyone,

I have been working on a Pokemon Game remake but i’m not the Leader
Well we are trying to make a Right now we have a very small team and by small i mean only two members

we are currently in need of more members

The current team is

demonwolddawg-modeler,python coding, logic bricks,rigging
anmisto - modeler, texturing, logic bricks,rigging, animation

As you can see we are short of members so if anyone wants to join feel free to join
here’ some of the screenshots of the top of the house where the player or protagonist

Oh and we will be using Google docs for blendfiles and such

Well all of these are realtime screenshots and we will be using glsl



realtime screenshot


here’s an old ash model has to be done again


bump please we need a texturer at this point

If you need a material for the human go to http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/Every_Material_Known_to_Man/Human_Skin

I can model and texture, since I have a lot of free time.

Looks pretty awesome. But question? Why are you working through the game chronologically (iow, starting with the bedroom), instead of working on the most important systems first?

Like Pokemon Stats > Battle System > Item System then Chars > Environment.

Meh, whatever. Good luck!

@oyaki you welcome to join i have just informed demonwolfdawg bout that well you could just tell me your email

@hackedmind um we are going randomly while i am texturing the houses well the leader is doing the chars and other stuff and thanks for the support

OK time for some updates here’s some pics of wat i have been working have to assign some jobs to other members but kinda busy right now with some school stuff


OK i guess I am helping. Oh and tell me how to upload .blend files (or email them or whatever) so I just know how to when I need to.

well first of all i need to kno wat is your email and wat u can do in blender

well we need someone to texture a tv it has been uploaded to gdoc in the ‘house props’ folder named tv.blend and it should look like this

or the text version
The back box on the TV can be black, and the rest of it silver, dont forget to add speakers to the texture

oh and here is the link to the img above

Because dude idk how to program :stuck_out_tongue:

@anmisto well anyway, why did you switch the room around? it looks odd this way (I guess better then last)

we just need somebody that lives in america, because that helps me out a lot, texture only. (PM me)

@wolfdawg well i used the pokemon silver as my ref i said that earlier already remember

Okay, we have the new member now, no more are need. This thread (or a new thread) will now be about Updates of how the map is going.

PLEASE do not post multiple threads about one game. If you need to rename this one, but keep it, one game one thread.

Got it, no new thread. (this just seemed like a request though…idk whatever)

yea phreaknation is right we dont need to make a new thread

okay jeez!..

no offence but it would flood the db server with unnecessary redundant data, data safe threads i always say(dolphin safe tuna joke)

Hi guys, i made something for you. I will upload the blend file later when i clean it up.[ATTACH=CONFIG]125947[/ATTACH]