Polaroid Now 3D Model

HI everyone, this is my latest work, My colleague brought a Polaroid Now camera, I thought It could be fun to model it, which I actually did. Model by Blender Texture and Rendering use SP。


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Oh my god! Such an amazing work, congrats. By the way, could You please show me Your mesh? I mean, Print Screen of viewport with edges visible. I;m working on something very similar and I’m wondering how to get so smooth result, especially when it comes on seam of “pyramid” and straight face at the back side of camera. Oh, and one more thing. Did You make whole lens from separate object, such as box, and then weld it to the rest, or maybe it was extruded from “hole” on the back side on pyramide? Thank You very much, have a nice dy annd once again, congratulations. It is really amazing model!

Sorry for the late reply, Thank you for liking my work. I have a few wireframe images of the model, but I’m not sure if they are what you need. Additionally, I create models directly in high resolution。Personally, I usually start by creating the overall part and then use Boolean tools to perform cuts based on the structure. This allows me to separate the parts which can then be further processed 。


Wow, this is so beautiful! Great work!

This is amazing work, I am a product animator and was wondering if there was any way I would be able to get a hold of the blender files for this incredibly detailed and accurate model. Thank you.

cool! i tought i was good at blender but a few minutes on the sire made me rethink that opinion :slight_smile: ! your style of one object only is one of my favourite and this one in special was EPIC!!

awesome work.
is this available to download in any store?

im also thinking about that…

Is there a way to get the model? I’m trying to practice my 3D modeling and your work will be a great reference