Poliigon hdr's

I’m going to download lighting hdr’s from poliigon to use them in blender and I can’t find the right tutorial. I want to display an stl with a texture and be able to quickly switch hdr’s and view their affects on the object. Can anyone recommend a tutorial or describe what to click?

Hi I can totally help you set up an HDR image and switch it with another image fast. Here’s a simple video tutorial
Set your film rendering to transparent to not show the HDRI and remove that checkbox if you want to see it! I have free studio lights and HDRIs for you that I made myself if you’d rather try those out first. I’d be happy to provide them for you

That sounds great! How will we transfer the files? I can do email

Or use this addon that does everything for you and makes it possible to switch hdri’s on the fly
