Your logic is flawed
No it’s not (his logic).
Hmmm I see…
To be fair, I do get what you were trying to point out though.
Your logic is flawed
No it’s not (his logic).
Hmmm I see…
To be fair, I do get what you were trying to point out though.
On the second one I put ‘his logic’ in parenthesis to show it as a reply to the statement “His logic is perfectly valid…” and not “…polictical content is…” or “The end.”
His logic is perfectly valid -----> No it’s not
…and political content is ------> No it’s not
The end. --------> No it’s not
I was worried that it could be interpreted as any of those three when I meant it as the first.
The one about pornography is irrelevant to DeSotos statement. I could factor in pink bunny rabbits if I wanted to, but there’s no point.
I guess I’ll have to spell it out then since some can’t seem to comprehend.
DeSoto makes a basic square peg to square hole, round peg to round hole statement, and implies it’s as simple as that. So I state that just because the Finished Projects forum is a place for 3D works, there is things, such as porn, that is prohibited.
Here’s an even simpler explanation… some things offend people and cause trouble, even if they technically and logically are fitting content. For that, some things do not belong.
I agree with ditto! though i dont think a seperate forum should be made, im so sick of political discussions… I just dont see what kind of satisfaction could come from arguing over somehting you have no control over. No matter who is right, its not like you can change anything that happened, or will happen, its just a pointless debate that ends in all around frustration
and acasto, thats ridiculous, desotos logic was only dealing with political discussions… Had he been arguing about allowing pornography(we all know you were getting rowdy when you wrote that ) then i think he would have tweaked that logic a bit… of course youd be totally right if desoto was talking about every single element, but he was mainly focusing on politics, so it works
“let me spell it out for you”
He was simply just disproving the need for a new forum for that SPECIFIC topic… it was not meant to be a global address for all topics… merely an isolated argument based on political discussions… you read way too much into it…
“heres an even simpler explanation”
for the specific topic he was discussing, it was completely logical… he accomplished his goal and disproved the need for a new forum just for politics… his goal wasnt about making a perfectly sound logical statement that dealt with everything under the sun, it was simply about disproving the need for a seperate forum… he may have oversimplified but thats just fluff, and it worked for this specific debate
you must beep when you hear the word logic… then you have to disprove it
i beep when i see the word acasto =) beep
relax, it was just a harmless logic statement… this isnt speech and debate finals… all he was tyring to say was “off topic = anything not related to blender… politics = not related to blender… politics = offtopic”… seems logical! if you replace pornography with politics, then its a whole different story, but he was focusing on politics, whilst you were focusing on pornogrpahy
notice i didnt say you were wrong, i just said youre ridiculous for reading way too much into a statement that did what it set out to do, so chill out, and stick your square peg into that round hole
Thanks for the support Blengine…I’m pretty sure the rest of us, aside from acasto, are perfectly aware of what I was trying to say. And it makes perfect sense.
I personally dig these threads. They’re better than cable comedy and they’re on 24/7. And they, and the people who participate, and their views, and their agro etc, etc, don’t bother me at all. Because I don’t take any of it seriously. How could I? it’s all virtual!
An observation though. Here’s an example of what happens in these threads:
Desoto wrote:
I’m pretty sure the rest of us, aside from acasto, are perfectly aware of what I was trying to say. And it makes perfect sense.
I’m not knocking you Desoto, it’s just an example. What makes perfect sense? The fact that the rest of us got what you said? That what you were trying to say was perfectly clear? Or the fact that (in your assessment) Acasto was the only one who didn’t get it?
If I were Acasto I’d opt for the latter and take you to task.
I must admit that these threads are not the same without Imp.
fligh, the “it” that makes perfect sense is what desoto was trying to say… he was saying since political discussions arent related to blender, they are offtopic, and dont need a seperate forum… that makes perfect sense =)
im pretty sure the majority of people understood perfectly what desoto was saying, but of course theres always room for misinterpretation, and jello
Here’s an even simpler explanation… some things offend people and cause trouble, even if they technically and logically are fitting content. For that, some things do not belong.
Political posts don’t offend, they humor.
Parents allow their children to watch politcal content and not pornography. Thats why one is allowed and the other isn’t. It’s fine that way, Al Capone should just turn it down a bit.
I understood perfectly what he was saying, but I still don’t think you get what I was saying. This thread origionally started over how the political threads offend some people and end up just getting people mad. What I said was merely pointing out that content that offends people may not be the best thing. Especially if you are trying to maintain a certain level of standards in the forums.
That is where the political threads can be like porn, they both can offend people. It’s not a literal content comparison, but a comparison of the effects on people, which in the end, affect the overall standards.
acasto wrote:
I guess I’ll have to spell it out then since some can’t seem to comprehend.
No need acasto. I comprehend just fine. Perhaps if you swashed a q-tip around in there or something, so would you. %| Perhaps I need to spell it out for you,…You are comparing apples to oranges, and it just doesn’t equate.
Obviously you don’t. Did you even read my last post?
Perhaps it could be apples and oranges if it was a forum for anti-vegetarians. The point is… is that anything that divides and offends groups of people is fair game in segregated or disallowed content. The question is is not whether or not political content is like porn, but whether or not it is dividing and offensive, as is pornographic content, thus the reason I used it in the example.
I can see that you intend to persist in defending the indefensible no matter what the argument . I see no need to waste my breath on deaf ears. Good day. %|
Though the logic wasn’t inherently flawed I believe that the majority here are not interested in seeing Al_capones anarchist political agenda, or lack there-of posted up here every couple of days.
Or anyone else’s crap, regardless their political or religous faction.
Pr0n was definitly not a good analogy, simply because of the difference in comprehension, I understood and agreed to an extent though.
When it comes down to it the following happen’s 99% of the time:
A political and/or religous debate naturally divides people, causing a rift between people. I would just rather not know what Al_capone’s agenda.
There exist absolute truthes in some logic, some of the time, it is in the eye of the beholder.
So calm down guys.
A political and/or religous debate naturally divides people, causing a rift between people. I would just rather not know what Al_capone’s agenda.
The only rift I see is between acasto and al capone!
If you guys get annoyed/offended by Al Capons topics then stop reading them!
What more can anyone say?
Indefensible??? It seems others here understand what I was saying whether or not porn was too extreme of an example. I can’t help it if you can not comprehend the situation, but that is your problem.
please people, don’t make me wave the hammer…
Sorry theeth, wasn’t intending for a pissing match to take place.
Just wanted people to see that this sin’t good for the community.
I will argue with anyone until my mouth bleeds, but I won’t hold it against them in any way unless they hold something against me. I could care less what anyone’s agenda is. When it comes down to anything Blender-related you’re all my friends and associates. Just because we have political disagreements, that doesn’t mean we have to hate each other. We just have different views. Big deal %| Get over it. Grow up, suck it up, and move on. Debate and argue all you want, but leave it in the off-topic threads. As soon as it crosses over and people start to label each other personally, thats when it becomes lame. I personally don’t give a crap about what any of you think about politics or religion. Sure I’ll argue or debate about it…but so what? Thats all it is.
My point is. We can all agree to disagree, but leave it at that. There’s no need to carry around a bag full of grudges. We’re all blenderheads, we’re all human. Thats all there is to it and thats all that matters at the end of the day here at Elysiun.