I moved the site to another server today and as far as I can tell, everything has become a lot faster. How’s it working for you?
Is the site faster today?
- Yes it’s faster
- It’s about the same
- It’s slower
- Wooo, wireframes in 2.8!
0 voters
I moved the site to another server today and as far as I can tell, everything has become a lot faster. How’s it working for you?
0 voters
Seems fast on my end, not sure with others but from poll results, seems ok
Woo, wireframes in 2.8? That’s the best option on the poll, lol. Speed still seems the same on my iPad using Safari. I know on my computer, Firefox seems about half as slow as my iPad. I’ll test tomorrow and see if it’s better.
After some tests I noticed the site is much faster now, than when at first when the new site went up.
Also, I noticed that the site is down much more frequently now, too. It comes back up after a few minutes of waiting. Sometimes replying to posts gives an error as well.
I just restarted the server ~ 20 minutes ago, that might have been what you saw. Other than that, I’m not aware of any server outages. Please do report them if you see this again.
Seriously, though, it’s a bit faster.
yeah maybe a little bit faster
i think it al ittle bit slower than befor, i am not sure is it the site or my pc
but i like it alot, even though thers is one thing that i am really missing, it form this site
the green light that shows who,s online wher did it go?
Revote for slower.
Voted before 2.2.0beta6 updates