poly/face/tri counter in blender?


Since the number of poly’s (tri’s in blender) is important when you want to enter (game art) contests e.g. I was wondering if there’s a poly/face/tri counter available in blender?




On the tool bar at the top of the screen (actually the User Preferences Bar).
Will say something like:
Ve:4 | Ob:4-1 | La:1 | Mem:1.46M | Time: | Plane
Where Ve is vertice, Ob is Object, La is lamp. Display is interactive and will adjust for the selection.

In edit mode you see in the header: Fa: X - X
It counts the faces, but it is not equal to tris! Select all (AKey), triangulate (CTRL+TKey) and now it shows the number of tris. Undo triangulate (CTRL+ZKey or UKey)…

I just noticed, if you’re in edge mode the displays list edges too!

most appreciated!

