Polygon Selection Question

What is the best way to select the outer ring of purple polys?

Also, I remember there was a way to hold a key down and then drag to select poly’s. Anyone know what key that was?

Alt+RMB on the bottom ring to select the ring of faces then Ctrl+numpad+ to grow the selection
Select one face and Shift+G / material to select all faces with the same material as the face selected

Also, I remember there was a way to hold a key down and then drag to select poly’s. Anyone know what key that was?
Ctrl+LMB for lasso select

Wow, so many things in Blender are hidden just under the surface. :slight_smile: Very helpful. Thanks Richard.

This begs another question though. With a ring of polys selected, how would you deselect only one or two poly’s?


By playing with key combinations I figured it out. (CTRL + Shift) to deselect individual polys.
