Hi all this is another add-on still in the embryonic stage but it seems that it could be another step that could allow in the future to export the Nubrs from Blender.
This component is also present on the development portal even if it hasn’t been updated lately.
It is a method that allows you to convert the subdivision surfaces into multiple patches but controllable from the mesh cage, furthermore for a few months it has been possible to export the patches generated in IGES, i.e. this add-on for the first time allows you to export Blender’s Nurbs in CAD format, the component is not very fast and has many limitations but I urge you to take part in the development discussion in the various sites.
This is a model that I’ve created in SubD but it’s already converted inside Blender into Nurbs patches with that add-on
here the exported patches opened into FreeCAD and Cad Assistant