This is a particle animation that I created for my math class. I set the x value to constantly move forward, while the y and z values change according to two polynomial equations.
I also added some particle effects to make it a bit flashier.
This is a particle animation that I created for my math class. I set the x value to constantly move forward, while the y and z values change according to two polynomial equations.
I also added some particle effects to make it a bit flashier.
That’s really cool My mom was a math teacher and I know she would have loved to use this kind of stuff in class. If that doesn’t captivate the attention of teenage students (the male at least), what will?
Maybe you could add some music to it
Our school has a stereoscopic projector, and I would have loved to view this in stereo. That would really captivate people’s attention. But since I rendered it out the night before it was due, I didn’t get around to making a stereo version, but I might sometime.
What sort of music would you suggest?
P.S. I’m very impressed at you keeping your blog updated every day, I’ve tried that and I just can’t do it lol.
I’d say something like Trentemøller, but that’s a very personal choice Check out this video to see what I mean. Maybe not in the beginning, but after 2:40 it starts getting really moody for this kind of stuff I think. Also the video itself is incredibly inspirational, so you won’t be wasting your time
Thanks for checking the blog out! I currently have some time on my hands and that allows me to keep that kind of a posting frequency, the situation will change soon but I do intend to keep posting a few times a week
That is a nice song, but youtube are pretty tough on copyright, so I just found something listenable to in their audioswap library.