Polyquilt grows selection + my imaginary retopo tool

Hello, when I use polyquilt to auto fill faces it selects those vertices as well. It also doesnt respect the mirror modifier.

Am i right to believe this addon isnt being developed anymore so my question might be futile?

if I knew a bit more about coding I would modify this myself.

I know in my mind the tools that I want for retopology but they dont exist. As best as i can explain, i want a brush that just draws quads as i move it over the sculpt mesh so i can roughly draw loops. Another two that can relax/tighten and move verticles around (retopoflow does this). And a filling algorithm. That was, i can draw main loops and bridge them with my hypothetical ‘quad draw’ brush, fill the remaining regions and then push, relax and tighten all those vertices into place.