Poofy Raptor, Tons new Radiocity


It is Tons, or hos’s raptor ( can not remeber)
I just poofed it a bit With Manueals happy Displace Script.

This is only light wit radiocity coming from those white icospheres.

^v^ coming to 2.29 soooooonnnnnn…

I think it’s one of those sharpei raptors. :slight_smile:

I love the way radiosity looks! Its too bad that it sub-ds your mesh so much. I think its just too hard to work with anyways. I just use Yafray for GI :slight_smile:


I am not seeing the radiosity. I do like the beastie though. This is radiosity ==>


<<edit>> never mind I’m seeing it now. %|

Ton made a rendertime version of radiosity (currently in cvs, will be in 2.29)
so no more subdividing, just hit radiosity buttons, tweak some material settings and voila.

The what now? you mean no more collect/replace mesh etc.? Dang, I thought I had an edge. :-?