Pool: New Blender User Guide

Hi fellow blenderers,

I think there is a high time to start the discussion about upcomming new Blender User Guide book.

The hot news are still comming and become more and more detail:


So I have an idea to start a thread with pool. The question is how much pages will have this new Blender book?
0 - 200
200 - 300
300 - 500
more than 500

I am soory not to know the right answer, we will have wait some weeks. Harkyman sure does but I hope he will not break the surprise (1000 pages or more :eek:) :eyebrowlift2:

I’ll tell if you really want to know…


I really do :smiley:

The book’s around 100k words. Depending on the design, that could translate to 400 pages or so. Plus indices and such.

And those really just the basics. We could have done 200k easily.

Eh, maybe for Volume II.

Are you announcing a second volume? :stuck_out_tongue: I know that after blender 2.43 a big UI redesign will be made. I’m afraid that this means a quick obsolescence of this book :frowning:

Um… I’ve not really heard serious talk about a complete UI redesign. While that may happen, the real project is the event re-factor, which will allow changeable key bindings among other things.

As I’ve said elsewhere, this book focuses on foundation skills – these things will not change in Blender, even if a button looks round instead of square.

And no, I was just goofing about a Volume II.