So I have an idea to start a thread with pool. The question is how much pages will have this new Blender book?
0 - 200
200 - 300
300 - 500
more than 500
I am soory not to know the right answer, we will have wait some weeks. Harkyman sure does but I hope he will not break the surprise (1000 pages or more :eek:) :eyebrowlift2:
Are you announcing a second volume? I know that after blender 2.43 a big UI redesign will be made. I’m afraid that this means a quick obsolescence of this book
Um… I’ve not really heard serious talk about a complete UI redesign. While that may happen, the real project is the event re-factor, which will allow changeable key bindings among other things.
As I’ve said elsewhere, this book focuses on foundation skills – these things will not change in Blender, even if a button looks round instead of square.