Edit: After posting this i discussed it with a friend who only then came online. Since i had a few other problems acting up this week he advised me a complete refresh of my Windows installation. This refresh fixed this and other problems…
I have a problem with Blender, which i cannot compare with any topic in this field via the search function. So i hope you guys can help me out with this.
Last time Blender worked fine was Thursday evening when i started a modeling course from CGcookie. This was merely some modeling work in which no critical configuration in Blender was altered whatsoever.
The following day i start my computer, get a windows configuration message and proceed as normal. But when i start Blender it refuses to load beyond the CMD console.
I eventually fixed Blenders starting problem by updating it to version 2.72b. But now i have a very poor FPS performance troughout the whole interface. Object mode, edit mode and even the interface all react very slow. And this is with the ‘vanilla’ startup file, not a complicated object. I have triedreverting my version to 2.69 (by De- and Reinstalling Blender in the desired version) but that has not yielded any results.
I run Blender 64-bit on Windows 8.0 [SUP](also 64-bit)[/SUP]. The only things that happened between Thursday evening and Friday morning was a Windows Update Configuration upon startup. It was 04-11-2014 SUP[/SUP] that i updated my drivers to 344.60, well before the first problem occured.
Here are some of the specifications of my laptop:
ACER Aspire V3- 772G
Interl Core i7-4702MQ 2.2GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M (with OpenGL version 4.4)
17,3" FHD LCD Screen
8 GB DDR3 Memory
I really hope theres a solution to this problem, because i have only recently began to become acquainted with Blender and modeling, and untill now really liked it.