Just another model made in blender:)
Hope you like it.
and big resolution.
Just another model made in blender:)
Hope you like it.
and big resolution.
Holy SHIT!!! Awesome use of the sculpt tool. I love it. Do you plan on texturing it?
Please texture that! or release it so some one can. Were playin with the big boys now.
On the larger one I noticed some odd artifacts, on the hat, what are those?
Holy crap.
awesome modeling. really nice detail. what’re those holes in his ears about. for earrings maybe? if you’re feeling generous, share the lighting you used for these images? i’m curious about the orange color in the eyes ears and around the collar. again, really great. for some reason he reminds me a little of Picasso?
My only crits are that there seems to be a 90 degree angle between neck and shoulder, and the chest goes in either too much or doesn’t come out quickly enough as you go down. I get the impression he is leaning forwards slightly, and I think that’s why.
It took me ages to come up with those though, because the quality of this piece is incredible. Excellent modelling, with a fantastic understanding of the way skin wrinkles, particularly under the eyes and on the lips. I hope you texture and do a proper finished render of it.
Indeed…very nice modeling…
lol, “oh nooo, I has no arms”
Just great stuff, I love the detailing you’ve done here. I really would love to see textured version out of this one.
holy crap… that looks soooo sweet
Amazing stuff.
sweet 404 message man!
Wow!!! Amazing modelling! I love the details and stuff like the wrinkles!
There appears to be a funny dimple in the earlobe though, which looks very out of place.
5 out of 5 stars from me,
Awesome work !
wistles gallery!!
You’ve created a very nice sculpt, there, Maqs! If you don’t mind, could you tell us what subdivision level you were sculpting at, and show a wireframe, please?
Very nice work! :eyebrowlift:
Thanks for c&c.
The head have 6 multires levels, i cant texture it, i cant even show you wire because i apply multires levels:mad: i dont know why but rc2 just start crasing when i try save work, after delete multires all was back to normal.
5 stars, and then some !!!
You are really pushing the envelope with the sculpt mode - keep it up!!