Poppies and brick

This is actually a present for my mom, who loves poppies. I used to bring home wild poppies for her as a kid; now that I’m far away from her at college, I made this for her instead.

Blender 2.79, Cycles render (no post). Modeling and texturing done in Blender by me. The grass is particle based, the wall is default brick texture.

The lighting isn’t perfect, honestly, but I’m still learning all this stuff :slight_smile:

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First of all, “your Mom is gonna love it, and rightly so.”

Now, I’d suggest that you “look for the picture within the picture,” using an old standby of mine – a picture matte sliced into two “L”-shaped pieces. My cropping-tool … actually, the scroll-bar of my web browser … led me quickly to what I happen to think is a much stronger composition: the bottom half of what you have now.

Right now, I say, “the top half of the frame is occupied by a brick wall that isn’t doing anything useful.” Therefore, slice it all away, one line-of-bricks above the top of the leaves. Now, it’s up to you to decide if the shot is improved further by slicing away some of the left-side foilage to balance the right.

(For what it’s worth, “there is usually 'a picture within a picture, waiting to get out …”)


Thank you so much for your feedback! Composition is always something that’s been tricky for me, but I tried your suggestion and it was literally revolutionary. Seriously, thank you. I appreciate your kindness of sharing your expertise.

Do you have any general tips for composition? I feel like I usually end up with too much clutter and not enough focus in my work.