Porous structure in Blender?

Please help!
Is there a way to model this structure in Blender?

Hi @Nefelibata,

There are several ways to achieve this, a turbulent fluid simulation that is ‘snap-shotted’ would work, but be difficult to get the exact look you’re after. A quicker way is to use a particle system . . .

You’ll need to experiment with sizes of the meshes you use as particles ( they can be any shape you like, I’ve used spheres for simplicity ) if you mix mesh shapes you’ll get more ‘randomness’ in the final voxel re-mesh.

And you can obviously hand place/remove additional geometry at any position to refine things, after you have turned the particles into ‘real’ meshes. Only the final ‘block’ of merged geometry matters for the boolean stage and the re-meshing.


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AwesomeThis is exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot!

In my view this simple geometry nodes setup seems like a simpler route

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Simple but practical idea, thanks!