porsche spyder : final

okay, another attempt at the classic wheels…c and c please:

great work mayn!the ground texture could use a bump map though.

it IS bump mapped, but i guess i should have pumped it up a bit…

In all honesty…the ground texture is horrid…but it is completely ignored because you RIPPED THAT PORSCHE UP! Super awesome! Excellent job…BRAVO! The absolute only thing I can think of to change is the perspective a bit. Assist the camera in making the car become more alive (not literally of course but in an artsy sense). Little to no flaws anuraag!

The modeling is good, from what I can see, but the intense light you’re shining on the car bleaches it out a little. Also, now would be a great time to introduce you to the node car paint thing to give your picture that professional edge. Check out this link where there’s a paint job demo and the accompanying blend file. http://mke3.net/archives/2006/07/car_paint_redux.html

Anyway, nice job.

Oh, and Trak Wrecka: e

mayn i dun think da ground is the focal feature homez.

Black Boe:LOL! i like how ya doin it mayn…
anuraag_01:well it doesn look like it has a bump map.

hey…if i have to ask wht is tht ONe (or two, or many ) point tht stops the image frm being mediocre to great…wht would it be?

Hi, The ground texture is too large, the bricks are far too big and put it out of perspective, so I would say the texture needs to be tiled more. You may find this fixes up the bump mapping a bit too. So more and smaller bricks for the ground. The ground is not as important as the car but still is a important part of the picture.
As for the Car, what a Fantastic Modeling job, The lighting needs to be worked on to lose that “washed out” look that was mentioned before. Maybe you have the spectacular on the Texture set too high or the lights a little too high.
All that aside and that is one awesome looking car. Great job.
Thanks M.A.

Just love the modeling of the car…good job…

Make the bricks smaller, car is very good but spec is overpowering.

The rosewood(?) steering wheel is too…brilliant (i guess is the word). It stands out, too Specular/reflective, although it may be the totally oversaturated light. Also, shouldnt the glass windscreen have a frame? I think it was a thin chrome strip.

The car is very nice, the groundtexture doesent seem to fit that good.

What MA said and the lighting looks a bit harsh. If its outdoors I would expect the shadows to be at least a little fuzzy around the edges. The car looks great to me, its mainly your ground texture and the lighting.