Portfolio online

You may or may not remember my posts regarding a Blender game I was working on several months back, Warpatrol. Well, I put the game on hold in order to work on my online portfolio. The company I work for is planning on moving my department to Atlanta(where our home office is located). Coporate is going to hire all new employees. I have maybe two or three months. I am looking for a new job now.

I would appreciate any thoughts regarding my portfolio. All the projects are work related. Sorry, no Blender. :frowning:




Hi, besides the hand sketches (a little “dirty”, IMHO), the others are very good stuff! Congrats.


Well, its nicely done – Very simple and clean…

But since I cannot see a single Blender render on that page I fail to see how it is relevant to this forum…

Sorry if this sounds harsh.

You are correct. I am a Blender user, but the folio only includes “work” related projects. No Blender, yet. Thanks for your comments.

Hmm…I do think I was a bit too harsh.

Sorry, sometimes I have a tendancy to be a bit of an ass, it happens very rarely – But there ya go :smiley:

It looks pretty good, my only crit is that there is no variety; it looks like you only worked on one project for the 3D. If you have some other stuff of similar quality, even if it was not done for your work, I would include that as well. Your drawings are good; I would keep them in.

Just a warning, make sure you have permission from your company to use the pictures in your portfolio. Since you created them for the company they are essentially their property.

hey, looks good, like on of my buddies in toronto, patrick.

Has a similar style

very nice website, erich. simple and clean. very clean renders too. :smiley:

nifty idea to put a navbar on the top AND bottom!

Good point! I need to get permission. :expressionless: I guess I need a note at the bottom, “used with permission”.

My other 3D projects are quick service restaurants as well. The most resent is my best. Some of the earlier examples are not worth showing. :expressionless:

I guess I need to start working on developing some quick Blender projects to improve my portfolio. I found out today that I have a job through Dec. 31. I have a little more than four months. :-?

Any suggestions on quick projects? Still life, landscape, etc. :slight_smile:


I have updated my online portfolio. I have premission to post the images I created for my employer. They gave me some legal information to place on each page. I have also added a couple of Blender “real-time” models I created. :slight_smile:

Any comments would be appreciated.



See link at the top of the page.