Portrait of a Girl

First try at modeling and rendering a female face :smiley:

Click image below for HighRes:

She is fully rigged with shapekeys and a caged armature, though the rendertime is nearly two hours due to the extensive hair strands and SSS shader. I aimed for a semi-cartoony look, instead of extreme photorealism. Textures painted in The Gimp, the rest is all Blender 2.5.

# update 12.06.11
You can find the old render here:

Hope you’ll enjoy!


o.o um um good

Thanks alot blender kid :smiley:

I’ve made some changes - for the better I hope - new eye color, some posing and more even lighting. Any feedback on my work is very welcome :slight_smile:

Can it be that you used an Angelina Jolie-Tomb Raider picture for your modeling. I’m just asking because I did this once, and my result looked very much like your woman, although it doesn’t look very much like Angelina Jolie…:wink:

Nose anatomy is weird.

I suggest watching the female modeling series by blender cookie.

Haha, no I used this free reference woman here: http://free-textures.got3d.com/natural/free-character-references/free-character-texture-references-woman-3/index.html
I guess some facial features are similar to Jolie such as the lips and eyes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I had some issues with the nose, especially the edges could use some more work,
Here is a wireframe render: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14243021/Artwork/2011-05-04%20-%20Portrait%20of%20a%20Girl/Final%20Image%20-%20wires.jpg
I’m keeping a eye on the tutorial over at Blender Cookie, but I kinda finished this one before the head section began. His topology overview videos has been of great help however.

It is really nice model man… can u give me the link of hair texture reference…and setting

Really good job, the hair in particular to my eye works really well and in the main the structure of the face especially in the wire looks very good and well laid out for animation.

I am always hesitant to provide criticism about face models as people can often be in danger of idealising the face however I think the crease at the edge of the nostril may need a little more definition. The texture/image maybe helped by some increased saturation with slightly darkening tones around and especially under the eyes.