Portrait work in Progress

Looking great Guss

Some things maybe:

Blur the iris where it meets the pupil a little and maybe also model a little waterline between eye and bottom lid.

Glad you dumped the glasses.


I think you should return to the glasses.
They make the girl unique AND they give a good reson for the head posture.

If I really had to find something to critique, I’d say that the head is slightly too big for the body -as it looks in that angle.
Funnily enough I don’t see that when she wears the glasses.

Phenomenal work as always! I don’t have much to critique, but I would say I prefer the version with glasses. It does feel more unique that way.

Thank you all for your excellent feedback! @Owldude I have to say I do like the glasses version as well. it feels more unique as you said. @AyathTheLoafer: Yes me too!

@ Speed7 I guess the glasses thing is subjective, so I’ve decided to have two final versions, one with glasses and one without :slight_smile: Thanks for your suggestions about the eyes btw, I did them, and it looks a lot better!

I’ve posted the final artwork in the finished projects section, so head over there and check it out! thanks again guys. you all rock!