Pose Deformers in Blender?

Is there a workflow in Blender that replicates the Pose Deformer workflow in Maya?

ie:Can you pose an armature, sculpt a corrective shape on the deformed mesh and add that as a shapekey that is driven by a selected bone’s angle? As you bend the joint say, an elbow, the shape key winds in and out (0 to 100), driven by the armature.

It’s a great workflow for adding muscles or tendons or correct deformations on shoulders/elbows etc.


short answer is yes,
there are shape keys in blender,

Yeah, I know that, I talk about them in my post. I mean I want shape keys that are driven by the changing angle between two bones.


What you are calling Pose Deformer in Maya is called driven shapekeys (or is it shapekey drivers …?) in Blender .

Basically you create a shapekey for your rigged mesh then go to the IPO window and select the “Shape” IPO type and add a simple 2 key curve with Ctrl-LMB (you can clean it up for exact input by using the Transform Properties subwindow - you need that open to add the driver any way) and then add driver/select your armature name in the OB: field/select Pose from the driver channel type/add the name of the bone you want to drive the shape with (under the armature name)/and select the pose channel type you want to drive the shapekey …

Here is a simple example . The BICEP_BULGE shapekey is diven by the (negative) Z rotation of the ULNA bone . You can go beyond the 1.0 shape influence on the curve (or even negative values) for interesting effects …


driven_shapekey.blend (158 KB)

Many thanks Vertex Pusher. Exactly how I imagined it would work. I tried much the same thing but failed dismally to get it to work. I’ll pull your test apart tonight.
