Pose Library not keyframing certain bones

Hello everyone! First time here since r/BlenderHelp has been virtually useless to me.

So I have this problem where I discovered my pose library wasn’t actually saving the positions of certain bones. I went into the action editor to double check, and indeed there were several bones that had not been keyframed.

If I go in and manually keyframe poses in the action editor, the pose library works as it should. However whenever creating a new pose, the particular bones in question still don’t keyframe, which is highly annoying.

I’ve deleted the pose library and created a new one, set all the bones from quaternion to euler, etc., nothing seems to work.

If the bone isn’t selected when you create the pose, it won’t be included in the final pose. Could that be the issue?

You need to look into the concept of “keying sets”. If a bone isn’t part of your active keying set, it won’t get keyframes. No selection or anything else will change that
Fortunately they’re simple and easy to work with :slight_smile:

I’m not too sure if a keying set is the problem here.

In all my other actions, keyframing works just fine. Heck even in the pose library action, it works when I manually keyframe. The only thing that does not work is the ‘add new’ function of the pose library.

If it isn’t to much of a bother, can you explain how a keying set is involved here exactly? Is my pose library set to a certain keying set? And if so how can I set it to a new one with all my bones?

Unfortunately that was one of the first things I tried, and it made no difference.

when in doubt select all bones before assigning. see if that fixes it. If so, it was due to a bone that wasn’t selected that had a transformation in the pose you started from.