I’ve stumbled upon a problem in Blender but I don’t know whether there’s something I’m misunderstanding or whether there’s a real bug. I’m inclined to think the latter but I’d like feedback before I file a bug report about this.
Here is my understanding:
An object which has no parent has global coordinates but no local coordinates. Or maybe you could say the local coordinates are equal to the global coordinates. The two sets of coordinates can never be different if the object has no parent.
An object which has a parent has global coordinates and local coordinates and the two set of coordinates can be different. The local coordinates represent the child’s position relative to its parent.
In the sentence “the coordinates of an object”, the word “coordinates” can refer to different sets of coordinates depending on whether or not the object has a parent. If the object has no parent, the “coordinates” are global coordinates. If the object has a parent, the “coordinates” are local coordinates.
So in effect, after object A is made a child of object B, then “object A’s coordinates” are the local coordinates of object A relative to its parent B.
If I do not change anything else but make object A a child of object B a second time, it should have no effect on A’s coordinates.
But I’ve found that in fact it does have an effect. I think this is a bug.
I’m attaching two files.
parenting_works1: In this file, parenting works as expected. The parent object (named Parent) has an IPO making it rotate on its Z axis. The child also has an IPO changing its coordinates from whatever value they have at frame 1 to (0,0,0). So the child (named Child) rotates around the parent but at the same time it gets nearer to the parent up to the point of having the same global coordinates as the parent.
parenting_fails: In this file, parenting does not work at all as expected. The only difference between the first file and this one is that I’ve made Child a child of Parent a second time. But this time around, the child does not end up at the same location as the parent.
The way to see this is to play the frames back and forth in the Timeline window.
Now, someone might point out that the child object in the second file starts at a different position than in the first file so I’m confused and did not set my testing apparatus properly. Yes, the child is in a different position but that’s another manifestation of the phenomenon I’m reporting. The way to find this out is as follows:
Open parenting_works1.blend.
Select the child and then the parent. Hit Ctrl-P and accept the parenting. What you’ve done is reparenting the child to the same parent it has. This operation should have no effect whatsoever.
Go into the Timeline window and switch the current frame to 2. Pay attention to the child object and see how it jumps position. If you go back to the first frame, it won’t return to its original position either.
I found that the way to restore normal behavior is to select the child and issue “Clear Location” and “Clear Origin”. Then the child will behave as intended.
If this is not a bug, then please explain the logic.
parenting_works1.blend (143 KB)parenting_fails.blend (143 KB)