Post-BGMC 24 Development | Evacuate

It’s been a while, but I haven’t forgotten about this. I’ve been working on a lot of assets lately and testing out some new mechanics.

The main reason I haven’t made any development progress is because I have been shopping for a new pc, as I think it will be a huge time saver for me in the long run. As some of you may or may not know… my pc sucks. I’ve really been pushing it’s limit even with games like this. My ideal workflow would be having GIMP or Paint.NET on one monitor and Blender on the other for this type of development, which is next to impossible with my pc now. Programs freeze often, or I have to work strictly on one, save, close it, and then move too another. Not an ideal workflow at all.

So, during the interim between computers, I have been working on tons assets that I will use later on. I’m really hoping that within the next week or two I will settle on pc that works for me and my budget of around $1,000 and I can crank out the improvements to Evacuate and start a significant project I have been planning for a while now.

As of now I am going to say no more work is going to be put into this.

It was a fun game to make and play, but I don’t see much potential coming out of it. I apologize if anyone was still following this thread. It was a great opportunity to try some development aspects I wasn’t familiar with and I will definitely be using some of things I learned from this BGMC in future games.