The big favorite Blender add-ons thread

Flexi Bezier Tools : one of my favourite addons. It features a number of utility ops and tools that far exceeds the default bezier curves tools of Blender.

  • Flexi Draw Bézier : to quickly create Bézier curves
  • Flexi Edit Bézier : to interactively edit curves in Object Mode (featuring: direct segment editing by dragging any point on curve, adding points at any position on segment, deleting segments / points and uniformly subdividing the segments)
  • Flexi Grease Bézier : to create Grease Pencil Bézier strokes

Matalogue : displays materials, lights and compositing trees in the toolbar of the Node Editor. Clicking on an item will switch the Node Editor to that material/lamp/compositing tree.

All Material List ($) : displays Material / Image / Light / Camera / World in a list and improves data management efficiency.

Context Select : Emulates Maya’s selections

Render Button & Camera Manager : adds a big render button in Properties and adds a panel in 3d view with options to manage cameras.

Mesh Check : checks for ngons, non-manifold, triangles, faces with more than 5 edges, isolated vertices, e poles, n poles…

UVPackMaster 2 Pro ($) : packs UV maps very quickly, with many options (heuristic search, locking overlapping islands, packing to other islands, island grouping, UDIM support, aligning islands of a similar shape, packing for a texture of any ratio and UV map validation).

TexTools : another addon to manage UV maps.

Proceduralize Nodes : helps create seamless textures

Blender Suspender / Blender Pause/UnPause : allows to suspend and resume Blender at any time, even in a middle of a rendering or baking process.

Gaffer : helps manage lights and HDRIs. You can also buy the addon here.

Modifier List : A different modifier stack manager for Blender 2.8x.

Editable Motion Trails 3D ($) : it is a 3D viewport editable motion trail, it allows you to author arcs in 3D world space. The 3D-controls are normal Blender objects, selectable and transformable through normal Blender means. As you modify the local channels, the 3D trail will also update in real time, even if the animation is playing. See also this link.