
What is it with people using PostNuke?

(I honestly know very little about it so if you could please [politely} fill me in)

I ask this because I am looking for a good base for a website I will be working on where the main goal is to add to/modify a list of dogs (I will have to code a lot of this I know), but I would like to build off of something that would allow certain users of the site to manage the content of other parts of the site (a book list, sucess stories, …)

I find the webiste difficut to navigate and understand, and the default modules not well suited for my needs (I installed it on a knoppix system)

So I guess I really ask, why postnuke (or is it something similar I see so much), and is there something better I may want to use.

As far as I know Postnuke is a spin-off from PHPNuke, both of which are (as far as I know) more community based PHP scripts rather than… ehrm… doglisting :D.

From my point of view it looks like it’d be better to script your own script with PHP and use MySQL as a database.