Potential nesting error

To make my game a bit more low-end computer friendly, I have it set up so that when the camera walks up to the door of a building and presses Enter, you switch scenes and can walk around inside of the building. When you are done and want to go back outside, you walk up to a door and press enter, and then you are back ouside again. I have done this by using the Set Scene and Set Camera commands. From what little I know of computer programming, this would seem like a nesting error (saying goto A and then goto B instead of saying goto A then return to B). Will doing it like I have done eventually bog down the system? If so, how can I fix it?

If i understand it correctly, you looking at the problem wrong think of each scene as a aeparate file, you reed one file close the file, open new file, close the new file then open old file.

that way you free up the memory, and it runs faster, so long as you don’t make scene to large you woun’t need to fear load times.