POVANIM for Blender 2.49 : 02f (21/02/2011)

For blender 2.49
Doc pages:

Povanim exports to all these renderers:

#Povray 3.5
#Povray 3.6
#MegaPov 0.7 (with several  post process options)
#Megapov 1.0
#Megapov 1.1-beta
#Mlpov 0.83   (very interesting for its "finish_map" not yet exported, maybe in a future version of the script)
#Unofficial Pov-Sub, povray patch with subsurfing option, <b>for blender 2.37 and older only </b>
#PVM (network rendering) option too

This script exports the current file in the $CurrentFileDirectory+"/povanim"
directory .

1/ copy the povanim241_06.pyc and the lanc_povanim241.py
files in the $blenderhome+’.blender/scripts directory’

2/ Under Windows, lanc_povanim241.py will find Povray alone
but under linux or mac, users have to edit the lanc_povanim241.py
to change the address of the ‘renderer binary folder path’
(select the name ‘renderer binary folder path’ and do alt-f to
jump to the correct line).

3/ by default to take in account the improvement of a new script
version, povanim uses standard settings but you can
update all of them with the content of a profil file.
At the first launching of the script you have to save this
profil with the dedicated button . After that, exit
and modify the OVERLOADPROFIL and OLDPROFIL variables
(as for the binary path use the alt-f shortcut to jumpt to
the variable line).

241_5d: better area light support Rendered with Blender and areal lights

Rendered in povray with new export of blender’s areal lights


241_05e, 26/05/2006
-to avoid error for missing image, i added an export of a “povanimdefaultimg.tga” to replace the not found uvmapped pictures

-List of lanc_povanim.py's windows was reordonned  correctly .

-Pointer on vertices can be “indefined” . On linux, this returns a “nan” error that the Povanim script converted in a "<,>,
" line . This kind of declaration stops Povray and the user can try to remove the faulted vertex . But, it seems that this method is not clear enough so, now, it will return a normal and transparent "<-1.0,-1.0,-1.0>,
" . This is limited to linux (and perhaps mac) under win32 systems the nan errors are translated in -1.0 .

241_06, 28/04/2006
- export of a << faked >> orthographic camera (not perfectly exact, off-set of only one pixel !! )

Blender Orthographic Camera



Comparison in GIMP using layers, black line shows the difference

  • Correction of the bitperpixel in the lanc_povanim.py’s menu for output file selection ( 5 was always returned ) .

  • In the CVS version (will work with Blender 2.42 the function getWinRenderSize() was added in the APi the 2006/04/27, export of the winrendersize dimension 25,50,75 or 100 percents .

241_07, 20/05/2006

244_01, 09/07/2007

245_3, 30/09/2007

249_01.f, 19/08/2009

  • mesh duplicopy export without material but uvmapping.

249_01.g, 20/08/2009

  • mesh duplicopy export with material .

249_01.h, 21/08/2009

  • mesh duplicopy export from same parent.

249_02, 23/08/2009

  • lightgroup on mesh duplicopy ( * todo : animation )
  • correct normal export.

249_02, 25/08/2009
mesh duplicopy animation


249_02b, 06/09/2009
update for linux users.

249_02c and d , 23/09/2009
modifs to export a correct ini file for povray 3.7.


249_02e :
try to correct launcher problems with v3.7 beta on a few win xp configs.

249_02f-p26 and 249_02f-p25 , 06/10/2009

  • a lot of modif to control if filename is saved or not and to manage darwin use. It could works but under mac intel os, unix version of povray does not like the space character in a path so it can’t find the povray.conf and the exported ini file.

You’re mad! :wink: :o
Thanx again and again!

Certainly ! I have zipped the 228_03 version in the 228_02
file this morning.

New feature (or return of a old one) :
we can chooze between the blender original image size
and the povanim image size.

Yeahhh, you’re really a sick guy!!! :slight_smile:

The materials interface is just …great, and fantastically complete!!!
Welll…the others too

Once again, thank you very much!!!

Povray was my first 3d love
Unfortunatelly i don’t have the time to do some Pov renders to
show to the world, how you’re script is amazing

Maybe some days later

Great work, as usual.
When i hit the Env-button in Blender the script exits while exporting

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “lanc_povanim228_03.py”, line 1124, in bevent1
File “lanc_povanim228_03.py”, line 796, in BasdepageBevent
File “lanc_povanim228_03.py”, line 619, in export_file
File “povanim228_03.py”, line 8686, in Test_exportVers
File “povanim228_03.py”, line 7988, in writemesh
NameError: global name ‘mirCol’ is not defined


PS: First time that the render from Blender works for me, great.

Curious, this seems to work for me under win98.

however, now mirCol is replaced by the official getMirCol() function
and, by the way, I improved the camera object sizing (-1 was not really
understood in 228 version) :

(105kos zipped)

PS: First time that the render from Blender works for me, great.

Yes, there is 2 new arrays of address/names (one for each system)
to locate correctely the binary files. If we do not forget to document
the launch file, the “render from” is possible.


But now something with the camera is wrong. It looks like a tracked-to camera isn’t exported right.

And i get
TypeError: prf_save() takes exactly 95 arguments (96 given)
when i try to save a profile.


PS: Forgot in my last post, i’m on Linux (SuSE 8.2) now.

I see!!!
Thank you for all these returns!!
In fact, jus one solution : export only matrix…

In fact, jus one solution : export only matrix…[/quote

Il seems to be corrected, same name:


Il seems to be corrected, same name:

Povanim for Blender 228, 2 bugs corrected :

–> 1 in a function which filters the parenting (getParent() function is mostly bugged, we can not really control if there is a parent cos if not blender crashes) of lamp

–> 1 in the animated camera coordinate export (have left just one line where the script try to get the matrix from data… )

Erm, if this is indeed a bug in the 2.28 api, I need to fix this. Will check that.

With regards,


Erm, if this is indeed a bug in the 2.28 api, I need to fix this. Will check that.

With regards,

A problem with getTracked() too…

Hey there!

It’s great to see Michael and Jean-Michele (sorry if I mis-spelled!!) cooperating on this! Not only does this make blender’s Python more robust, but having ever-tighter connections between Blender and POV-Ray is a VERY good thing IMO!

Thanks to you both,


povranim228, anim test:
Made with povray3.5,
550 frames exported,
130 objects,
Sharp radiosity (computed in less than 1 hour).

this question is not quite in contex, but regarding povanim demo …

q: how to modify these lines in order Blender could automatically read in ALL instances of Domino object in scene, without need to manually tell their number?


for o in range(dominos):

this is an horrible mistake !!!
:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Not the good sequence.

We can not export things like that with Blender 2.28
cause the python module IPO has no method to
evaluate a curve at the needed moment

I do not understand why this useful method was not
implemented. As I do not understand why there is no
variable to signal that vertex colours or “face” colours
are used in a mesh. Nobody seems to notice that
it is shorter to control only ONE variable
than try to control 60000 vertices (or face) colours
to know if the VertCol button is correctly set …

THE good sequence:
All the lights was shut down to 0.3 of thier real value at the

erm, even gurus make mistakes - to keep them in touch with their human nature

well, I wanted to ask whether it is possible to fix the nasty

dominos=41    # number of falling objects - 2

line with something that would read in the proper number of instances of an object with a specific name in scene - sorta Flash way

reason: to read in - say, all of instances of MeterBox.0xx objects in scene and do onFrameChanged manipulation on them.
I have done some experiments on smaller setups already, some things work and some don’t…

well, this is a project-based necessity and I don’t think it’s of general public interest (may get someone real bored), can I drop you an email on subject later and maybe attach a .blend? (under 50~60k)
note: I used to link random to dynoise - if I’ll go to render it elsewhere on a machine without python

Of course, you can.

thanx, I’ll re-build a sample scene with simpler geometry during weekend and add comments and textual description.


I found and fixed the bug in getTracked. But the getParent() method is working without problems. I’ve checked the code, and I’m pretty confident I implemented all safe checking functions there. Could you please give me a little more information when it happens? Or send me a .blend file?

With regards,