I’ve been trying to download POVAnim for 2.23, but all I can find is for publisher. I have creator, and I can’t find either blender publisher 2.23 or POVAnim for blender creator 2.23. Can someone help me out?
2.23 only comes as ‘Creator’, 2.25 was ‘Publisher’. You can get 2.23 here:
and 2.25 on blender3d.org
Povanim for 2.23 here:
just above the red warning window “223_16g.zip”
This is not an updated version of the last script’s improvements
and seems to have problem. Please use an older version : 223_16d
Thanks, but I just tried it and I get an empty string error in line 89.
Tested this morning and this evening, works for me.
Try to save your file before export.
I also did some improvements :
Saving got rid of the first problem, but then I got an error that said no variable named tMax_trace_level. Should I declare it, and if so what should the initial value be?
Perhaps a problem with oldprofil.
Find this line:
– Try to load profile for the current
Set the variable to 0 and then Alt-p
If that works, save this new profile and reset the variable to 1.
It still gives a non existant variable error. Are the variables declared in the .pyc file? If they are I guess for some reason it can’t find the file.
I’ve declared the Max_trace_level variables as the POV-Ray default, but then I get to some variables I can’t quite identify. I’ve commented out the entire Radiosity section, but it didn’t help.
I can make due with the 2.3 version while I’m working with machines, but when I get my characters ready I’ll need 2.23 for armatures, unless 2.3 supports it.
The last version I had before my reformat was 2.23_14j. I forgot to put it on my CD when I was backing everything up. Would it still be possible to get it? I haven’t found it on your site.
The profile method first takes all the variables in the pyc file, not only this one. It seems that you are using a povanim223_17.pyc file without the tmax_trace_level … or … ok, that is, now I understand : you are using povanim223_16d with the old launcher . It worked for me because the profile made with povanim228/230 contains a definition for this variable.
Try to download the last version : povanim223_17
Got it fixed. It says on your website that export of armature data is reserved for 2.23, but I just did a test and it worked with 2.3. I’ll just use the 2.3 script now.
Once again, you do bangup work.
This will be corrected soon. In fact, in 2.25 and 2.26/2.27 the armature modifications was exported only with a 3d window opened beside the script.
but I just did a test and it worked with 2.3. I’ll just use the 2.3 script now.
Once again, you do bangup work.
I think that you will find the “complete material” export really useful.