POVexport problems

I’m having trouble running the povexport.py script in Blender 2.23. I currently have the Python Path set to “c:/Program Files/Python20/Lib/” but when I use Alt-P to run the script I get the error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “povexport.py”, line 364, in ?
Attribute Error: getCurrentScene

Does anyone have an idea why I would get this error. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks…

Use Povanim instead of this very old script (the python module is only compatible with blender 2.10):


I have used the Povanim script before, but I was just trying out the alternatives… I seem to be getting a weird problem with two cubes when exported using Povanim. Instead of exporting as a wall with a window in it, I get a small thin box. This is why I was trying to use the other script. I wanted to see if it was any good. Thanks for the info though about the povexport script.

Very curious. Can you send me this file?


I would be happy to send you this file. This time though instead of a small thin box, I got a duplication of a different object in place of the box (although I have changed the original file some too). Please email me with the appropriate place to send the file. Is there a limit as to how many vertices Povanim can handle? Thanks for your help with this.

Ok, just a little problem with object names.

Is there a limit as to how many vertices Povanim can handle? Thanks for your help with this.

I have report of exportation of very huge model, but the only one I tested by myself is a blender Star War isd of 6.5 mos. With 512 mos of RAM, I think you can export anything.


Thanks again for the help… I started to suspect that I had named two objects the same and that could be the problem last night while I was at the movies so it was nice to see that it was caused by something simple. You’ve made quite a wonderful script. Seems that now everything is working perfectly. Brilliant!

This kind of error will not happen any more.
Corrected files:


if you still want to use povexport.py in blender 2.23, you can try this, it worked for me:

import Blender210 as Blender
import Blender as BlenderOld

This will use older Blender python module for backward compatibility