Povray GUI? *jms*

Is there a ‘Preview GUI’ available for Povray. I spend a lot of time and use a lot of unnecessary file-space trying to get the lighting right once I’ve exported to Povray. I have tried your suggestion for recalculating only the light data and then exporting again. I’ve tried exporting no light data and adding lights in Povray. And, of course, I’ve tried readjusting, rearanging, reconfiguring the lights in Blender. Anything I try is either black or white and my recycle bin is getting worn out!
I’m hoping that, Povray being as old as it is, someone has come up with a GUI that can change the values in the file-code with a slider.


but i do not understand the problem.

Light in blender:
Same light in povray:

Just push the buttons [ export to file ] and [ render ] (I perhaps added a little radiosity effect and a normal map on the ground ).

If your recycle bin is getting worn out, hold Shift and then press Del to skip the bin entirely. Off-topic, and not much help but…hey…thats all I got.

Gee! Thanks! I feel so much better now.


Yeah I had a feeling that you were really worried aobut that :wink: