Practical Jokes

And now for something completely different.

I just happen to love practical jokes. Here’s my favorite.

Put a glob of peanut butter under your shoe where the heel and the sole meet and dab some on the side of the shoe in the same area, then go to a party or some sort of gathering. At some point someone (I use an accomplice) will ask what that is on your shoe. Give them a puzzled look then look at your shoes and “discover” the mess. Then say that you must have stepped in something. As you say it looks like dog crap take a finger full from the side of your shoe where it will still be clean and smell it, make a sour face and before anyone can say anything stick your finger in your mouth and eat the peanut butter. Then make a real disgusted face and say that it was dog crap.

I’m always up for a new trick so if anyone has one pass it on.


Try putting wet toilet paper (unused) on your face, then in front of somebody, tear it off. It looks bad. (Steven Spielberg did it to his sisters. That’s where the face-tearing scene in “Poltergeist” came from.)

Two funny pranks, both to do with cars.

Put rocks or marbles in the hubcaps of someone’s car, so when they drive, they hear a loud rattling noise and don’t know where it’s coming from.

My dad has a whistle that you can stick in the exhaust pipe of a car, so when the car owner drives around, a horribly loud whistling noise is emitted from the exhaust pipe!

theres always the good old saran wrap over the toilet seat.

not really a prank per se, but a funny thing to do nonetheless; a knock off of the peanut butter one:
bring some peanut butter with you into a public washroom… (yes, you see where this is going :wink: ) sit in a stall. wait until the stall next to you is occupied. wipe some peanut butter on a peice of toilet paper, and “accidentially” drop it under the wall between the stalls, into the next stall. Then ask for the occupant to hand it back to you.

hahahaha Nate!!..ever pulled that one off? :smiley:

You can also get some strange looks if, while in a department store take some clothes into a dressing room to try on, once you are in there for a couple of minutes yell out “Hey, you’re out of toilet paper in here!”