Presences in the Night

Gosh, this one took a while!!! XD I started this image last November as a demo for my student, but I got carried by the idea and I finished it today!

This one is (kind of) autobiographical : As a kid, I saw too much of “documentaries” in wich they were presenting alien abduction as facts… It kept me wake a couple night! I made this image to transmit the sens of fear I felt during this period. I tried to suggest that this kid is actually just having a nightmare. Try to find the clues I left in the image! :wink: If you want to give it a try, don’t read the next paragraph! :wink:

Fist of all, the main clue about the dream is the refence to inception that you can find near by the bookshelf. The second would probably the wire of the N64 controller that spell SOS in cursives. You can also see, that the kid has some kind of obcession about the aliens : all the posters and the “Ghost Pumps” books on his desk. Now, for the cause of the nightmare, you can see that the image of one of the aliens is superposed to the reflection of the TV that is litterally showing a fictionnal extra-terrestrial : Mr. Spock. It makes an obvious link between the medias and those strange visitors outside the house…

How would you react waking up to this sight?

Ah, Star Trek - The animated serie on Teletoon and a N64 still on to not loose the advancement of your game! So much nostalgia!

This kid doesn’t look particulary happy!

How can this top kepp spinning? Mysterious! Maybe is it because of the alien’s shadow?


Just a couple of extra details shots I’ve not been able to add to the first one!

Gosh! I had so much fun with those controllers! From Ocarina of Time to Majora’s Mask and I’m not forgetting Mario 64 or Pokemon Snap!

Who never read Goosebumps… Arhg, GhostPumps I ment! This is defenitely not copyrighted material! This book have been written by R. U. Scared!

And here is a little making of :

I think that the N64 controller’s wire is trying to communicate! Also… Doesn’t this ball remember you something? o.O

And, finally here is just a little composition analysis to show you how I managed the composition of this image!


I had a lot of fun exploring your picture !
Lots of details and references.
Very nice :+1: :smiley:

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Thank you very much!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Cool! Thanks!

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