Preserving scale in UV unwrap?

That part isn’t the problem. It’s either, having to re-do it when changing unrelated parts, or having to manually scale the changed parts. Either option is bad.

You should first make sure all the seams are where you want them to be and then unwrap

I mean, sure, in an ideal world. Sadly, this is not how development works. And even if did, one little oversight messes it all up disproportionately timewise to what should be a quick tweak.

I’ll have to take a look at UV Magic - here’s to hoping that it does the trick!


Ok! Success!

UV Magic is the answer!


What do you do to keep the aspect ratios of the uv faces unchanged as they are in the actual mesh…?

Yay. this is what I came here for. Wish it worked with centimeters or millimeters, but I guess I’ll scale everything times 100 for now.

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Hi @Desprez , would you please be able to elaborate on what exactly you did in Magic UV to accomplish this? I am trying to do exactly what you were doing. I want to preserve the scale of multiple mesh objects that are being unwrapped so that I can export the UV Unwrap as a vector file and all of the unwrapped meshes are to scale. I have set up a reference plane which is 2mm x 2mm that is unwrapped at the same time so that I can scale things accordingly in photoshop by using this plane as a reference. I am trying to make decals for a miniature 3D printed object this way by isolating the parts of the mesh that require the decals and exporting the UV Unwrap to work on the decal design in photoshop - at the correct scale.

Thank you in advance!

It is shown in the screen shot.
World Scale UV > Apply (Manual)
Choose a density and make sure all textures have the same value