Prevent switching out of Ortho view

Hi Everyone,

I am very new to blender and I am sorry if this is a basic question. I did a lot of google searching and I could not find the answer. That is why I am bothering you good people.

I am trying out a project but I noticed something strange. If I am in an ortho view (Front Ortho) for eg, and I try to grab an object (usually by clicking an axis arrow), then I get automatically switched back to perspective mode. This is something new I am noticing. Is there anything in preference I need to change to avoid this behaviour? I would like to grab and move objects in Ortho view.

Thanks in advance.

Check you have ‘Auto Perspective’ turned off in User Preferences / Interface panel

Also please use the relevant support forum for support questions, not blender discussion

Thinking about it, what would be nice is the following behavior:

  • switching to front or side view automatically turns on ortho, just like ‘Auto Perspective’ is doing now,
  • but going out of front or side view should not turn off ortho, as it make the view jump and you get lost.

What do you think?