Pripyat 1987 | Focused Critique

Time to move this here to help finalize the final render.
For those who don’t remember this from the WIP section, here’s a bit of the back story:

It’s 1987. Pripyat, Ukraine. It’s been a year since the Chernobyl incident and the air is still radioactive enough to kill anyone unfortunate enough to wander in. Why is this van here? Where are the people who got it here? Were they fleeing the town, or coming back to it? I don’t have a story to tell - we all know the story.

Rendered with Octane, path tracing, 16000 samples/pixel.

And here is a dusk version, too dark?

Looking forward to feedback.



I have been waiting for someone to do this, great job, not sure what is wrong with the dusk one, but its all great!

It looks good - The pylon looks like it could do with some bevelled edges and that dirt texture that looks so good on the flats.
It also seems a bit too wide near the bottom, but that’s just from my experience of British pylons, they might make them differently in Ukraine. Hmmm… and the van door looks painted on for some reason.

But besides that, it’s very realistic and thought provoking.

Experimenting with some sky textures.
Also, i think i want to take some liberties with the town sign and increase the size a bit for a better composition. What about the color of the van? How about yellow?

I like the latest version much more - making the van yellow might add a nice compositional contrast. try it :slight_smile:

Okay, we have a yellow van now.
I think it gives better contrast to the otherwise green and blue background.
We have a couple of renders here with minor perspective changes and color gradation variations.

Do tell me what you guys think about this.


Still not able to make up my mind.
Here are a couple of more options, have increased the size of the sign a bit.

What do you think?
Can we call this done yet?


I think i’ve rendered this scene too many time now.
Maybe i should call it done.

How does it look?

It look great, good work!
I like the 1st render in your previous post the most. The colors especially in the sky make the image more dramatic and I also like the dirty water material.
But I like how the trees are rendered in your last post, and the fact that you removed the box behind the van. It didn’t look too realistic to me.