Hallo to everyone who is using the addon “Pro lighting skies” from Blenderguru!
I have a annoying Problem after installing the Demo Version of “Pro lighting skies” :
The HDRi-maps in the background are all working fine - except the light coming from it.
All Objects are purple, i tried removing and installing the addon again,
but the problem remains.
The problem only appears on one particular scene, the one on which i really need Pro lighting skies,
on any other scene the addon works fine.
I previosly had a own HDRI map attached without the Addon and deleted it, to use a Preset from the addon.
Is it possible, that Blender still wants to use this map and gives me the purple “emty”-color because it can’t
find the map anymore?
I am new to the HDRI lighting topic and doesn’t know much about it, maybe there’s a simple trick to it?
Thanks in advance!