Problem compiling 2.49 + SSGI patch

Looks like you’re somehow defining NAN_PYTHON = /scratch/jessica/python-2.4/SunOS5.8 and NAN_PYTHON_VERSION = 2.4.

Try this from the blender directory;

grep -R NAN_PYTHON . 

or to output to a file;

grep -R NAN_PYTHON . > random_file_name.txt

It does help a lot if you give the compiler errors in context instead of just giving the error.

Ah, you’re building from the source tarball that’s been released. Remove the file that accidently got packaged with it (I blame sirdude!)


Thankkkkkkkkkkkkkks now compiles with and without optimizations and with or withoug SSGI patch. But when I execute it I get segmentation fault in all the optimized builds. I will keep reporting.

The segmentation fault was caused by compositing effects+ati+blender so its solved. I haven’t make SSGI appear yet but sure its my fault, I keep on checking.

Thanks all for your advises and answers :slight_smile:

Heh, also points out a bug in my debian rules file that doesn’t properly restore this file after a ‘clean’. Probably doesn’t matter since it shouldn’t be there but still…

Guess that’s why my grep through the source tree didn’t find it.