problem exporting with

Hi , i want to use indigo ,
so , i unzziped indigo on C , then i placed the script for blender in blender/…scripts , then i open the export script , and then i have to open a terminal window and write cmd <enter>
then in the tutorial says i have to write down this.(whatch first foto)

thanx ;D
I used indigo 6 stable version and the current beta of the script , the one before taht one

i show you also the blender terminal window.

do you have a folder called indigo or is it indigo something or other?

is indigo_06 , so i asume you suggest to write indigo_06 or to change the name of the folder to indigo , right ? i’ll try.


Yes, you must type indigo_06 when changing directories. You still just type indigo + the file name to run it though.

yeah !!!
nice , i did my first render!