Problem in old relative keys in new Blender version

I made an animation very old, in an old Blender version.
Now I need to render it in better resolution and I find a big error:

The Relative Keys don’t work with paths. I don’t want to render with Blender’s old version. Please just say something if you can help me. I need to use new features of new version of Blender.:spin:

Help me please!!!

I’m thinking the <no path> in the f-curve editor is telling us that blender is not finding the animation data for the shape keys. In the older version of blender, when the animation was created, were the shape keys just adjusted and keyed manually? By that, I mean, the shape keys were not driven by a bone?

If that’s the case, then I’m thinking you will have to re-animate all the shape keys in the current version of blender. Between blender 2.49 and blender 2.5 there was a lot of changes, one of those changes was a re-write of the animation system, much has changed. It is common for older files with animation to not work with the newer versions of blender.
