Problem in opening and saving everythigng in Blender 2.44

I’ve downloaded the new blender 2.44 and,when i try to open a file,import something,and saving a image or a blend.file, windows xp closes it. :mad: :mad:

What i have to do? :frowning:
Do you have the same problem? :frowning:

Try closing Blender, deleting the B.blend file in Blender/.blender folder, and a new one will be generated on startup.


I tried,but it just failed again :frowning:

Seems like an obvious question, but have you tried re-downloading and re-installing blender 2.44 from the website in a different folder?

Other questions to look at:
Have previous versions of Blender worked OK?
What type of graphics card / hardware are you using?

Working fine on XP for me so something in Blender and something in your system don’t like each other.

My previous versions of blender (2.41,2.42a,2.43) worked well at that point,probably this question (not saving and loading nothing) is not relativly to a graphic card.
I will try to reinstall blender 2.44

EDIT: it failed again :frowning: :frowning:

Well,my sollution is using Blender 2.43,but i have a build that was mounted on Blender 2.44,and works :smiley: