Problem loading binary data into Postgre from Blender (Blender Library)


I am trying to load .blend, .jpg and .txt files from known directory into a PostgreSQL 8.3 table, from inside Blender.

I am using for that task:

  • Windows XP
  • Blender 2.49b;
  • PostgreSQL 8.3;
  • psycopg2;

Unfortunatelly, when i execute the script within the Blender Text Editor, the following message occurs:

Traceback <most recent call last>:
           File "", line 54, in <module>
           File "", line 25, in insert_into_db
TypeError: function takes at most 3 arguments <4 given>

I do not understand what that means, because i have provided 3 arguments already for insert_into_db(). I have searched the Internet for explanation, to no anvil.

Thus, could you please provide me with directions what should i check to “eradicate” that bug?

I use the following script:

import psycopg2
import os
import os.path
import io

libfolder = "C:\\Blender_Library\\BlenderLib\\objectLib\\"

# that is the function that actually inserts files in Postgre
# path - the path where the file can be find
# file - the file that have to be inserted into the db
def insert_into_db(path, file, type):
    # !!! that is test data. It must be changed
    conn=psycopg2.connect("host=localhost dbname=postgres user=postgres password=test")

    #conn.cursor will return a cursor oject, you can use this cursor to perform queries
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    # psycopg2.Binary() escapes all data that needs that
    data1 = psycopg2.Binary( path + os.sep + file, 'r+b' ).read())
    # execute our Query
    cursor.execute("""UPDATE testtable SET %s = %s) 
        WHERE testtable_n = %s""", type, data1, str(os.path.splitext(file)[0]))

    # Save (commit) the changes
    # We can also close the cursor if we are done with it

#we are in C:\\Blender_Library\\BlenderLib\\objectLib\\
for dir1 in os.listdir(libfolder):
    print libfolder + dir1
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(libfolder + dir1)):    
        tempdir = libfolder + dir1
        tempfiles = os.listdir(tempdir)
        #we are for example in C:\\Blender_Library\\BlenderLib\\objectLib\\Osaka"
        for f in tempfiles:
            if os.path.isdir(libfolder + dir1 + os.sep + f):
                tempdir1 = libfolder + dir1 + os.sep + f
                tempfiles1 = os.listdir(tempdir1)
                #we are for example in C:\\Blender_Library\\BlenderLib\\objectLib\\Faqns\\Osaka"
                for ff in tempfiles1:
                    print libfolder + dir1 + os.sep + f + os.sep + ff
                    if ff[-5:] == "blend":
                        type = 'blend'
                        print ff
                        insert_into_db(tempdir1, ff, type)
                    elif ff[-3:] == "jpg" or ff[-4:] == "jpeg":
                        type = 'jpeg'
                        print ff
                        insert_into_db(tempdir1, ff, type)    
                    elif ff[-3:] == "txt":
                        type = 'txt'
                        print ff
                        insert_into_db(tempdir1, ff, type)    
            #we are for example in C:\\Blender_Library\\BlenderLib\\objectLib\\Osaka\\            
            elif os.path.isfile(libfolder + dir1 + os.sep + f):
                print libfolder + dir + os.sep + f
                if f[-5:] == "blend":
                    type = 'blend'
                    print f
                    insert_into_db(tempdir, f, type)
                elif f[-3:] == "jpg" or f[-4:] == "jpeg":
                    type = 'jpeg'
                    print f
                    insert_into_db(tempdir, f, type)    
                elif f[-3:] == "txt":
                    type = 'txt'
                    print f
                    insert_into_db(tempdir, f, type)