Problem opening sound files on Blender 2.27

Is somebody else also having troubles loading audio files on the Sound Window (now renamed as ‘Audio Timeline’ Window?

It worked just fine on 2.25 but can’t remember if it worked fine on 2.26. Now it only says ‘Error: Not valid Sample: name-of-the-file’ . %|

I use linux, btw.

What would you do with it there?
2.27 doesn’t have the fmod library (for sound) in windows, and I doubt it supports sound as all. (it was only useful in 2.25 for games)

Get a new build of the bf-blender release (and install SDL if you haven’t already) for the new sound features, and sound support.

Then, your sound file needs to be in a pcm wav format in a bitrate (read for more) something like 44.6 (cd standard is what it wants). Cool stuff coming down the pipe. Let us know what you think.

Care to ellaborete on what is SDL and what those new sound features are?

SDL ( is something I would translate to “Cross Platform Direct X” (but I wouldn’t say that statment is well true). It is called the Simple Direct Layer and is a cross-platform library that supports basic sound operations and windows and graphics operations. It is often used in combination with OpenGL for cross-platform games.

Blender will use it’s sound capablities for lip synch capablilites. (sound scrubbing and all that).
You can look at more info at:

SDL often get’s installed on linux systems by default, so if the command sdl-config exists you have it.

:stuck_out_tongue: Oouuuuhhh!! */Me rubs hand and puts mischievous face.

And yes, SDL came pre-installed with my distro (RedHat 9)… now that I remember, it was mentioned on the RedHat release notes.