Problem rendering curves imported from .svg

I have tried importing curves from .svg files created using Inkscape a couple of different ways. First, I’ve tried using the import script that is built into Blender but have found that it has a few problems:
(1) multiple imports result in objects being improperly imported
(2) curves always render black regardless of material settings
(3) sometimes nothing renders at all

I have also tried using from

While there isn’t a problem with multiple imports using this script, all of the imported curves render black regardless of the material settings.

Just as a sanity check, I created a bezier circle in Blender and set its material properties. This bezier circle renders correctly. I then compared these settings with those of the imported curves from the .svg and could find no differences.

I haven’t been able to figure out why the imported curves from the .svg render black. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

With the curve selected, try clicking the center new button. Ctrl A sometimes helps, too…

Imported curves in general, and 2.42 especially, leave a lot of room for improvement. I have a system, namely I go into “import mode”.

First, take all your .svg and load them into Gimp, importing the path too, just to turn around and export the path to a file.

Launch a clean Blender which you then import the path into as a Gimp 2.0 path via the either method (experimental works about 20% of the time, Old works most everytime.)

Click center cursor, and scale it to a size you can handle, then save the .blend.

Exit Blender, reload Blender, and do it again for your next path…

Yes, it’s a pain in the tucas, but at least you can have multiple copies of Blender open at once… so when you finish your “path sessions” you can just hit Shift-F1 and bring the beziers into Blender… and they’ll behave as you’d expect.

And the amount of control points stays healthy, you don’t end up with hundreds more than you need.